Carved after the Antique, with wings outstretched and drapery billowing around, atop a cylindrical stone fluted plinth.
The figure 220 cm. high, the base 112 cm. high, 332 cm. high overall.
"The Winged Victory of Samothrace, discovered in 1863, is thought to have been created around 200-190 BC. The work is 2.44 metres (8 feet) in height and was commissioned to commemorate victory in a sea battle as well as in honour of the goddess. It is famed for the way in which it conveys a sense of action and triumph as well as portraying artful flowing drapery, the goddess being portrayed as descending to alight upon the prow of a warship Rendered in grey and white Thasian and Parian marble, the figure originally formed part of the Samothrace temple complex dedicated to the Great gods, Megaloi Theoi. It stood on a rostral pedestal of grey marble from Lartos representing the prow of a ship (most likely a trihemiolia), and represents the goddess as she descends from the skies to the triumphant fleet The Hellenistic original is currently held in the Louvre collection in Paris"