A Glass weight, moulded and stamped, transparent light-green in colour, citing in the centre with 2 lines of undeciphered Arabic text, 5.377g, 27 mm, coin weight: double dirham.
A Glass weight, moulded and stamped, opaque dark-black in colour, citing in the centre with 4 lines of undeciphered Arabic text, 2.983g, 21 mm, coin weight: dirham.
A Glass weight, moulded and stamped, transparent light-green in colour, citing in the centre with " Adl, Justice".
1,425g,15 mm, coin weight: half dirham. N 158.
A Glass weight, moulded and stamped, transparent light-green in colour, citing in the centre with 3 lines of undeciphered Arabic text, 5.892g, 25 mm, coin weight: double dirham.
A Glass weight, moulded and stamped, opaque brown in colour, citing in the centre with 3 lines of undeciphered Arabic text, 5.970 g., 26.2 mm, coin weight: double dirham. B 46, N133-4
A Glass weight, moulded and stamped, transparent white in colour with splashes, citing in the centre with 2 lines of undeciphered Arabic text, 5.117 g., 24 mm, coin weight: double dirham.
A Glass weight, moulded and stamped, transparent pale-brown in colour, citing in the centre with the name "Adl or justice".
0.902 g., 12 mm, coin weight: quarter dirham. LP1891.