A Glass weight, moulded and stamped, opaque-black in colour, citing in the centre with 2 lines of undeciphered Arabic text.
5.998g, 24 mm, coin weight: double dirham.
A Glass weight, moulded and stamped, opaque dark-black in colour, citing in the centre with the star of Solomon.
1.543g, 1.4 mm, coin weight: half dirham.
A Glass weight, moulded and stamped, transparent brown in colour, citing in the centre with the name Al-Imam Ma'ad surrounded by Abu Tamim al-Mustansir (427-487 AH/1036-1094 AD), 2.575g, 18 mm, coin weight: dirham.
An Abbasid Glass weight, moulded and stamped, opaque greenish-white in colour, citing in the centre with " Allah and Imam Al-Nasir Li Din Allah", 6.138g, 23 mm, coin weight: Dirham. B 966/71-N147.
A Glass weight, moulded and stamped, opaque black in colour, citing in the centre with 3 lines of undeciphered Arabic text.
3,046 g., 21,4 mm, coin weight: dirham. B 41.
A Glass weight, moulded and stamped, opaque dark-violet in colour, citing in the centre with " Ali al-Shaubah", 1.520g, 16 mm, coin weight: half dirham. LP 1891/339- N152
A metal vessel stamp, moulded and stamped, citing in the centre with Quran verses, 22mm.
A Glass weight, moulded and stamped, opaque dark-black in colour, citing in the centre with 2 lines of undeciphered Arabic text, 1.506 g, 14 mm, coin weight: half dirham.