A Glass weight, moulded and stamped, opaque greenish-white in colour, citing in the centre with the name Al-Imam Al-Fa'iz (549-555 AH/1154–1160 AD), 1,501g, 14 mm. coin weight: Half Dirham.
A Glass weight, moulded and stamped, transparent pale-green in colour, citing in the centre with the name Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah (386-411 AH/996-1021 AD), 1.337 g., 27.6 mm. coin weight: half dirham.
A Glass weight, moulded and stamped, transparent dark-green in colour, citing in the centre with the name Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah (386-411 AH/996-1021 AD), 5.819 g., 25 cm. coin weight: Double dinar.
A Glass weight, moulded and stamped, transparent pink-violet in colour, citing in the centre with the name Amir al-Mu'mnin, surrounded by Al-Imam Ma'ad Abu Tamim al-Mustansir (427-487 AH/1036-1094 AD). 2.976 g., 21.2 mm. coin weight: 1 dirham. B 298, N 102-104.
A Glass weight, moulded and stamped, opaque dark-black in colour, citing in the centre with the name Ma'ad Amir al-Mu'mnin ( 427-487 AH/1036-1094 AD), 5.970 g., 26.2 mm. coin weight: Double dirham.
A Glass weight, moulded and stamped, transparent dark-green in colour, citing in the centre with the name Al-Zahir (412-427 AH/1021-1036 AD).1.499 g., 14 mm. coin weight: half dirham, B 205-N 61.
A Glass weight, moulded and stamped, opaque white in colour, citing in the centre with the name Al-Aziz Billah (364-386 AH/975-996 AD).5.875 g., 22 mm.coin weight: double dirham.
A Glass weight, moulded and stamped, transparent light-green in colour, citing in the centre with the name Al-Imam Al-Aziz (364-386 AH/975-996 AD).1.444g, 15 mm.coin weight: half dirham.