Of cylindrical form applied with three hinged handles, decorated in silver inlay with two bands containing inscriptions in kufic script and horsemen in fight scenes. The underside of base with a roundel enclosing a seated figure with flower heads, the cover with a central domed section surmounted by a bud finial and engraved with a band of silver inlaid inscriptions in kufic script, with three loop handle.
Height: 14 cm.
Inscriptions: in elegant kufic script with heads above '' Lam and Alef'.
''bi'l-yumn wa al-barakah wa/ wa al-dawlah wa al-sur/ur wa al-sa'adah wa/ wa al-salamah wa al-kir/amah wa al-shifa'ah/ wa l-tammah al-sahib (sic) [li-sahibihi]''.
''With good fortune and blessing and wealth and joy and happiness and well-being and generosity and [Prophet's] intercession and plenitude, the owner (sic) [to its owner]''.